Offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower authors at every stage of the publishing journey.

Our goal is to remove the uncertainty and apprehension from the publishing journey, ensuring your book fulfills its maximum potential.

  • Our book writing coaching services are designed to take your writing journey to new heights. With our expert support, you’ll refine your manuscript, craft compelling narratives, and gain the confidence to become a published author. We believe in empowering authors. If you’re a career professional, entrepreneur, or faith-based leader, we will help you harness the power of the pen and deliver your message to the marketplace.

  • Our manuscript development services are all about crafting literary masterpieces. We work closely with authors to shape their narratives, improve clarity, and enhance overall quality. Whether you’re writing a business book, memoir, or spiritual guide, our team is dedicated to helping you create a compelling manuscript that captivates readers.

  • Polishing Your Prose: Our editing and proofreading services are your path to a flawless manuscript. Our expert editors meticulously refine your manuscript, ensuring top-notch developmental editing. They perfect grammar, style, flow, and coherence, guaranteeing your book reaches the highest quality. We understand that every word matters and our goal is to help you present your best work to the world.

  • Elegant Book Presentation: At Victorious You Press, we understand the importance of a professionally typeset and formatted book. Our expert designers ensure that your book’s interior layout is visually appealing, enhancing readability and overall aesthetics. We pay meticulous attention to every detail, from font selection to page layout, to create a book that captivates readers and provides an exceptional reading experience. A well-presented book is a reflection of your commitment to excellence as an author.

  • The saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” doesn’t apply in the publishing world. Our graphic design team specializes in creating eye-catching and market-appropriate book covers that make a lasting impression. A stunning cover is your book’s first and most vital marketing tool.

  • Connect, Engage, Convert: Our marketing strategies go beyond the ordinary. We provide the tools that help you build meaningful connections with your readers through tailored email campaigns, social media engagement, and digital advertising. Our goal is to help you convert your audience into dedicated readers and advocates, ultimately driving book sales and author recognition.

  • We understand the intricacies of Amazon’s algorithms and use this knowledge to our advantage. Through targeted promotions, keyword optimization, and reader engagement, we’ll guide your book’s journey to becoming an Amazon best-seller, providing you with the recognition and credibility that come with this achievement.

  • Creating Literary Collaborations: Our anthology planning and management services bring together a community of writers to create a compelling collection of stories or insights. We guide the entire process, from concept development to publication, ensuring that each contributor’s voice is heard. Anthologies are a powerful way to showcase multiple authors and their diverse perspectives.

  • Our Books2Business Program is a personalized 1:1 private Coaching session specifically tailored to the individual who needs hands-on guidance for their book business. Through personalized guidance and actionable strategies, we provide a strategic roadmap to assist you in harnessing your book’s power to build a sustainable business, including speaking engagements, workshops, online courses, and more. Whether you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur, or faith-based leader, our B2B program is designed to help you leverage your book/s to create multi-income streams, financial success, and legacy.

  • We take the burden of writing off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on your strengths. We guide you through a question-and-answer series to record your story via audio and then deliver a manuscript that captures your essence and engages and inspires your readers. Your message remains authentic, and the end result is a professionally written manuscript bearing your name as the Author.

  • The Books2Business Boot Camp is your exclusive gateway to transforming your love for writing, editing, and publishing into a thriving business. This prestigious annual Mastermind is your opportunity to unlock the full potential of your skills in the world of publishing. Our program is meticulously designed to equip authors and author-publishers with the tools needed to construct a blueprint for success as a publisher or an Author Coach. With our comprehensive guidance, you’ll navigate every step, from crafting a robust business plan to promoting your book-related products and services effectively. Join us for this immersive 20-week experience featuring hands-on workshops, strategic planning sessions, and invaluable marketing insights. Don’t just dream about it – turn your literary passion into a flourishing enterprise today. Seize your opportunity for success with the Books2Business Boot Camp.

  • In the B2BVault Private Membership Community, we create a nurturing environment where authors can thrive. With access to insider knowledge, monthly training classes, workshops, masterclasses, Q&A sessions, Ask the Expert chats, networking, and peer support, you are equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the publishing world. It’s a place where authors come together to learn, grow, and achieve their Author goals.

1 Hour Anthology Consultation

$120 per hour

Book Publishing Services

investment begins at $3000

Books2Business Program

investment begins at $2500

Book Writing Coaching

investment begins at $297

Book Marketing Blueprint

investment begins at $1200

Take advantage of our

Full Service Publishing Package!